Dual Drill Night for Millwood FD
By Member Aaron Schapiro
July 10, 2019

Last Tuesday, Millwood FD members were split between two drill activities.

First, Chiefs’ Aid Santone led an MVA drill, where members simulated a person trapped under the vehicle and practiced using our air bag system. Next, members practiced removing the driver’s door to extricate a patient. Following this, members removed all the glass from the vehicle using our window punches and windshield saws, simulating a trapped patient that we needed to gain access to. Finally, members removed the A, B, C and D posts of the vehicle to further help gain access to the patient.

While Chiefs’ Aid Santone ran this drill at Station 2, Captain McCarthy and Driver Training Officer Rodrigues brought Tanker 15 with a few members to assist the NYS Department of Transportation with washing down their salt shed in preparation for the new shed’s construction.

Photos by Chiefs’ Aid Greg Santone and Captain Rob McCarthy